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@MelyanaKlue @SundayFolklore They say that in Scotland, the Calvinists turned half the fairies sour so that they became The Unseelie Court: the "unhappy, unholy" Gloaming Court that surrounds the Queen of Air and Darkness. #fairies https://t.co/mf18SFIM9i
GEERHARDUS JOHANNES VOS was a Dutch-American Calvinist theologian and one of the most distinguished representatives of Princeton Theology. He was born on March 14, 1862. 161 years ago!
Drawing by @MarcosReformed
22 décembre 1641 : décès de Maximilien de Béthune, duc de Sully.
Compagnon du futur roi Henri IV à qui il conseille de renoncer à sa foi calviniste pour se faire enfin accepter de la majorité du peuple. Quel mot célèbre lui prête-t-on alors ?
Réponse : https://t.co/VVbOtX6cJ8
24/08/1572: en París (Francia), la población católica asesina a más de 3000 hugonotes (matanza de San Bartolomé). El enfrentamiento entre católicos y hugonotes (calvinistas) se saldó con alrededor de 2000 muertos solo en París y la desaparición de cualquier esperanza de paz.
Johannesburg Bogerman, President of the Synod of Dort.
By Pieter Feddes van Harlingen, made 1620.
(British Museum)
Bogerman, who had been a skilled president of this extremely important Calvinist synod, died on 11 Sept 1637.
#OTD in 1566, the first phase of the Iconoclastic Fury began during which Calvinist Protestant crowds wreaked havoc in Catholic Churches. King Philip of Spain sent the Duke of Alba to the Low Countries to end the “Beeldenstorm” by all means necessary: https://t.co/alHGosypk8
@mattcrotts A Calvinist listening to an anti-Calvinist ask him why his Calvinism makes him hate grilling so much.
Latest Court Historian, Jill Bepler: "Dynasty, Politics, Piety and the Consort’s Library: Queen Charlotte Amalie of Denmark (1650–1714) and her Calvinist Inheritance".Bepler looks at a queen’s library and the creation of dynastic & confessional memory.
Sketch do Abraham Kuyper (1837 - 1920) teólogo holandês calvinista que foi Primeiro-Ministro dos Países Baixos entre 1901 e 1905. VAI que o @posmilenarismo
usa para algum livro da @monergismo no futuro hehehe
Happy 90th Birthday to DICK TRACY! Crime-hating Calvinist Chester Gould debuted his endlessly inventive, brilliant, bonkers, grotesque version of the Great American Novel on Sunday, October 4, 1931.
Qual o seu entendimento sobre a presença de Jesus Cristo na Ceia?
Os principais pontos incluem os Católicos, os Luteranos e os Calvinistas.
Segue o fio 🧶
9 July 1572: The Gorkum Massacre - hanging of 19 #Dutch Catholic clerics, predominantly #Franciscans in the town of Brielle / Den Briel by Calvinists #otd These included Willehad of #Denmark who'd fled the closure of the religious houses in that country #badmove (Rijksmuseum)
Niederländische Emigranten
um 1567
Hamburg nahm 1567 die ersten niederländischen Emigranten auf. Die Niederlande standen damals unter spanischer Herrschaft. König Philipp II. führte die Gegenreformation in aller Härte und verfolgte Calvinisten als Ketzer.
Image of Humanist Scholar and #Protestant Saint: Hungarian Calvinist Albert Szenci Molnár in 1600 and on the title page of his #Hungarian translation of Calvin's Institutio, 1624. He was tortured after the Siege of Heidelberg, 1622. See: https://t.co/Ym2euEcnH8
Now available as a T-shirt! Link in bio.
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"Christ is not valued at all unless he is valued above all." - Augustine of Hippo
#christian #christianity #quotes #quote #calvinism #calvinist #reformed #reformation #faith #quoteoftheday #art #comics #illustration #bible #God #puritan #faith #churc… https://t.co/4xN5Iqbo0C
"We are nowhere forbidden to laugh." - John Calvin
Calvin's institutes are available to read for free at https://t.co/BC7ytyM7NC
#christian #quotes #christianity #quote #calvinism #calvinist #reformed #reformation #reformation500 #faith #quoteoftheday… https://t.co/UoDRHNPbOM
"Thou hast made us for thyself, O Lord, and our heart is restless until it finds its rest in thee." - Augustine of Hippo
Get your Augustine of Hippo sticker at https://t.co/Nnh0XuVV5s
#autugstine #hippo #reftoons #comics #Stickers #theology #calvinist… https://t.co/lE8SVQ9gic