All I’ve got rn are some inaccurate piccrews & Pinterest finds. But it’ll do until I draw them myself.
Python 125 yo vampire. Reckless, nomadic, hardheaded, kind of a fucking asshole.
Calysto 145 yo warlock. Shut-in, can’t socialize, always inventing, what is sleep.

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A painting for Calysto! I've been enjoying his Youtube streams while drawing, especially his reading ones, so made him a lil' tribute💕

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Still not feeling my best, but new oc baby, Calysto makes me smile anyways. Theyre the child of Amygdala and Lance :) was a saint and did the lineart for the baby for me :D

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super old and crappy Calysto first concept idea
decided to wipe it and start again, and I'm so thankful I did that

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