Per la gloria di Gaetano Donizetti nell'anniversario dei suoi natali
Bergamo, 29.11.1797
Celebriamo oggi la data con una registrazione storica completa della sua Lucia di Lammermoor con libretto di Salvatore Cammarano tratto da The bride of Lammermoor, di Walter Scott,

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Almost "Halloween"! Everyone is getting ready for a big spooky party: Holly, the ghost, is looking for the perfect pumpkin and Zelda, the witch, is training her "broom" to fly through the sky https://t.co/Q9C5EtNFV6

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“Wait, are you free? Same here! So, anyway~ Do you have any Magicammable news to spill?”

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Semola, no, not the tissues! 😫 Who else has a house cat as naughty as this one by Paola Camma ? 😼 Check out her 👉 https://t.co/ZXLP6N6cwP

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There is something magic about October

This is my sketch inspired by prompt "magic" and first prompt "pumpkin"
Check out prompt on or if you like to join in

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Alpha (adult and kid version)
Beta (adult and kid version)
Camma (adult and kid version)
Delta (adult and kid version)

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jejekei's matching earrings, to which they designed themselves, arrived in the mail! truly a magicammable moment 📸📸📸

art is by the lovely cons.tantlyart as always ♥️♥️♥️

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This Orange Cartoon Mushroom character with Wicks hands , Sport head and Attractive Eyes
On https://t.co/RspYVoj5Es
Named: Wera Mashoroya, Hope you like.

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Alien (1979)
Art by Nino Cammarato.

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