My fav scene at the game were their working together to fix Keitaro's journal taiga were apologize what he did to him. Then their doing a group hug with Taiga. The song is really sad and my tears came out:'( this is the great memories for them

8 29

Eduard stepped out of his usual character to protect Taiga because he truly cares for him. It taught me not to forget there's always someone who'd be there for you even when you screw things up badly. I love this trio.

70 539

this was the most memorable event for me, because it’s such a hero moment for Eduard. It was a shock but it felt completely right for Eduard to literally slap some sense into his friend.

10 65

My greatest memory was the waterfall with Taiga. This moment perfectly shows that Taiga is not just a bully and there is more to his personality. I just love how sincere, honest and heartwarming they are and Red Tiger slow is one of my favourite OST

15 152

Aiden is legit my most favorite character in CampBuddy! The most memorable scene for me is when he is first introduced. He is so extra and he continues to be so for the rest of the game😂🥰

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