Find a caption for this spectacular drawing by Juan Jose Martinez Canovas! 🖤

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New Discord Server icon for Scanova the Carnotaurus!
link here >

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Sí è dileguata ormai la neve dell’inverno
e l’erba torna a crescere nei prati,
sugli alberi la chioma.
La terra muta nuovamente aspetto,
mentre i fiumi placati
scorrono ancora fra le usuali sponde
e una già delle Grazie,
seguita dalle Ninfe e dalle sue sorelle,

A. Canova

20 40

What is the most iconic depiction of Napoleon?

David - Napoleon crossing the alps

Gillray - Plum Pudding in Danger

Canova - Napoleon as Mars the Peacemaker

Delaroche - Napoleon at Fontainebleau

Open to other suggestions (especially from Napoleon’s ‘Rod Stewart’ phase)

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La relazione che esiste tra il mondo interiore ed esteriore, la loro continua danza di causa ed effetto nelle illustrazioni di Nicolò Canova


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Da un affresco di Pompei al dipinto di Raffaello alla scultura di Canova
Le Tre Grazie conosciute come le Cariti nella mitologia greca , dee del fascino, della bellezza e della creatività

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These are 1/1 animated sculptures, a psychedelic reinterpretation of Canova's Masterpiece "Amore e Psiche"
These NFTs can be claimed by all the collectors (of primary and secondary market) of:

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O.25 E Ode to Canova makersplace

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The "Ode to Canova" collection is my personal praise and interpretation of Canova's Italic Venus.
I believe art to be capable of revealing the reality of things by disrupting all preconception. 0.25 $ETH makersplace

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The "Ode to Canova" collection is my personal praise and interpretation of Canova's Italic Venus.
I believe art to be capable of revealing the reality of things by disrupting all preconception. My portraits, are broken and fragmented, they disclose their convoluted interiority.

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Ode to Canova 1/1 0.25E Makersplace

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Ode to Canova 1/1 0.25E Makersplace

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Ode to Canova 1/1 0.25E Makersplace

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Ode to Canova 1/1 0.25E Makersplace

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Ode to Canova 1/1 0.25E Makersplace

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Ode to Canova 1/1 0.25E Makersplace

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Ode to Canova 1/1 0.25E Makersplace

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Ode to Canova 1/1 0.25E Makersplace

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