-REVAMP/Alterações nessa imagem antiga.

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Merry Christmas/ Feliz Natal! 💖🤎💜💙💚
(Inspired by Petit Chara! Series Sailor Moon Christmas Special - Outer Senshi by Megahouse)

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Details and references:
- Inspired by Chapter Title illustration of PGSM Crystal. 👔🌙💖

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I don't have a new HGCM page yet, but I'm working on some illustrations based on Crystal's eyectachs and 90s. Here is a WIP. 👔🌙💖

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HGCM Chapter 01- page 07 (PART 2)
The mind-controlled customers. 👔🌙💖

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HGCM Chapter 01- cover (Part 1)
These are HGCM illustrations referencing the first manga covers related to Sailor Moon (Nakayoshi magazine cover for Sailor Moon release/ First tankoubon cover / First chapter cover: oldest and latest versions).

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Sereno, Dario and Reniño (the Usagi's, Mamoru's and Chibiusa's versions from my Sailor Moon BL parody project H.G. Captain Moon).

I always forget to update my twitter. I usually give more attention to my IG, but I have to change this situation!

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