Working on some more pixel art for our upcoming dating sim, CARD GALS! Here's "Jack" and "Joker", two more of the possible love interests. Which one is your favorite?

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The last CARD GAL, Joker! She's a laugh and a half, but no April Fool! With the introductions out of the way, we're excited to show off some concrete gameplay stuff soon. Stay tuned!

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We're testing border-styles for our upcoming dating sim, CARD GALS! 'Wide' on the left or 'Cozy' on the right? Which would you pick?

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Feedback requested! These are the first two sprites from our upcoming dating sim VN, CARD GALS! What do you think of them? We're going for a PC-98ish look.

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Feedback requested! These are the first two sprites from our upcoming dating sim VN, CARD GALS! What do you think of them? We're going for a PC-98ish look.

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Here's some more pixel art of two of the romanceable ladies from our upcoming dating sim, CARD GALS!

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Here's some more pixel art of two of the romanceable ladies from our upcoming dating sim, CARD GALS!

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Working on some pixel art for our new game, Card Gals!

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