This is another example of disproportionally scaremongering in terms of trans HRT.

Smoking is only a contraindication for ORAL estradiol IF the patient smokes over 15 cigars/day AND is over 35 years old.

Otherwise, yes, you can smoke and be on HRT.

A proper medical evaluation

60 738

obviously doesn’t believe his own scaremongering about how much of a risk omicron is!

0 2

false.. there are very very small numbers.

a younger person goes into cytokine storm.
its because
1. a weak immune system
2 Take illegal drugs
3 Work shifts no sleep
4 Low vitamin D & Zink
5 Insulin resistance + overweight
same as flu & sepsis
stop scaremongering

2 3

Buddy check your friends.
We all need it now more than ever.

0 6

Hope this brings you blessings of good health. Don't listen to viral scaremongering, keep calm and follow the official safety guidelines in your area.

We'll get through this. Take care.

16 41