Thanks to all those unpaid, unsupported and let down carers. I'm not a carer but the UK Government allows children to work as unpaid carers for their relatives. Painting finished yesterday, Out of Sorts.

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Discovering the Island’s heritage is something for everyone to enjoy and if you need someone with you when you visit one of our sites, entry is FREE for up to two carers.

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Teachers, parents, carers... join the Plastic Clever Schools Facebook group where we share ideas and inspiration around tackling single-use plastic pollution.
Why not join us? All are welcome.

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It's so why not watch our Time Travel Tots Storytelling videos with - inspired by the documents held at The National Archives - for preschoolers and their parents and carers. Take a look:

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Best of luck to all you footballists tonight! Here’s Ollie from Grandpa's Goalscarers. His haunted boots may come in handy!

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Ofsted and the Care Quality Commission (CQC) will carry out an inspection of the Richmond local area starting next Monday 14th June. They want to hear the views of children, young people, parents and carers.

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F is for Friday! ICYMI. Our free 'Creative Care Homes' guide is here! An A-Z of activities & ideas to help you plan fun & inclusive art sessions for residents, families & carers. Available for download and in print.

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Welcome to the Mental Health and Wellbeing page for Cams Hill School. We want to positively influence the wellbeing of all of our pupils, staff, governors, parents and carers. We hope our posts on here will help you take care of your mind and remind you to be happy!

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Attention, scarers. It’s time to D-RAWWWRRRR! Share your doodle in the comments!

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Let's take this moment to This image is part our collaboration with the Behavioural Sciences team at to reveal which Covid-19 messages resonate best with the public. Grab it here:

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It’s today and we wanted to raise awareness of the difficulties facing sufferers of the disease their carers. Look at some of the info below and have a read of our blog, written by an MS Sufferer who wanted to share their story.

Read it here:

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Come along to Bolton Central Library this Wednesday for our Down Memory Lane session for people with early onset dementia and their carers. 3rd April 1.30-3pm for an informal chat, share memories and reminisce. Light refreshments provided. All welcome

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We've won a award for £3.5m towards new research. DISTINCT will develop a multi-disciplinary, intersectoral educational framework for Europe to improve technology & for people with dementia &
Read more:

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Volunteers needed!

For creative sessions supporting people living with dementia and their carers.

Click here to find out more....

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Free fun for kids & their carers. Be entertained, write & draw with WA children’s authors and illustrators

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can take a terrible toll on patients—and on their carers. This is their story.

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