CarFrog monster I created for a school project

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It really does resemble that genus in its external appearance, except that it has rather unusual hand morphology with a huge prepollex—an absolute giveaway of Anodonthyla!

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Amazingly, the scan of the holotype of the new species, which we dubbed Rhombophryne vaventy (vaventy is Malagasy for 'big'), revealed a beautiful pill millipede, Zoosphaerium, in its stomach.

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If you want to support this project, you can buy posters, tshirts, and mugs of the on my redbubble, and also stickers and magnets of many of the individual species!

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Not only did they show that toxicity is passed on to the offspring through egg provisioning, but also that the parts of the frogs' brains involved in this are similar, though with oxytocin playing different roles

📸Graphical Abstract of their paper

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Oskar Boettger described this species as 'Phrynocara laeve' based on a single specimen from eastern Madagascar. At the time he described it as being in 'marvellous' condition. Fortunately, it remains in excellent condition today.

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George Albert Boulenger had received a new collection from Reverend Richard Baron, including a large bluish treefrog with a white lip. He dubbed it Rhacophorus albilabris. The blue he recognised was not representative of the frog in life.

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Time for our Two years after the last work about frogs from Madagascar, Wilhelm Peters (📸Wikimedia) described Boophis madagascariensis (Peters, 1874) based on a specimen collected by a Mr Crossley in Madagascar—with this beautiful illustration

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Umm some digital crap I tried for the first time, used a mouse so don't expect much-

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