One work from each of four challenges I completed. There's another one coming soon...

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Day 31st. Triumph
So this is final. Cari is on her way to calm, happy life, where she'll have citizenship,career as a veterinarian and her own home - with mango tree and swearing parrot ^^
Thanks to everyone who supported me in this Drawtober!

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Day 30th. Blade
In moments of danger, when Cari grabs her cross.. she expects help not from God, but from something that can really save her life
In almost all of Harris's stories, it's female characters kills main assholes)

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Day 29th. Away
In past challenges, there were also scenes related to water, but this year there are a lot of them ... History allows me to draw quite a lot of them.
And yes - Cari just escaped!

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Day 28th. Scales
Quite an interesting use for scales - a couple more hits and someone will have a huge hole in the skull.

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Day 26th. Caridad
Such allusions are... are a separate kind of beauty. And this particular scene where Сari responds to Favorito's plea (to her namesake) deactivates bomb at last moment, I was very impressed. Yes, I love references ^^

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Day 25th. Dragon
Not a real dragon, and he not specially made lair near the treasure. But... nevertheless, this big guy makes exactly that impression.
Judge for yourself - why is a sea crocodile worse than a dragon? XD

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Day 23rd. Deft
The cuckoo clock episode was one of the most soulful in this book. In addition, the new character in the person of Favorito was fully revealed, despite the fact that he appeared later than the others.

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Day 22nd. Twist
It would be naive to think that the author will kill the antagonist before third act. Nevertheless, this scene was quite spectacular!

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Day 18th. Preacher
I... I still don't know what this reference is. This scene isn't connected with the main story, it starts suddenly and just as suddenly ends.
But it's so damn cute! QwQ

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Day 16th. Machine
Another important scene of Cari's youth - captive naturalist (and amateur beekeeper, btw) tells about hierarchy of the hive, and how it destroys personality when transferred to people.
I love this scene so much!

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Day 15th. Escape
Unsuccessful. These two lovers were shot by peple what little Cari considered her second family. Since then, doubt in the ideals of FARC will gradually mature in her and one day will allow to free herself.

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Day 13th. Carnage
I'm not a fan of bloody scenes (now people who know my literary tastes will laugh), but this time there are really a lot of them. This is not the last in this series of illustrations.

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Day 9th. Savior
A witty and tense scene, one of my favorites in this book.
Oh. Only now it dawned on me that I hadn't drawn Antonio's earring in any of illustrations with him🤦‍♀️

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Day 8th. Flirting
Did I say that I like guys from Ten Bells? XD
Well, then I'll add that I like scenes of Cari and Antonio together - it's wonderful mixture of touching friendship and unrequited love.

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Day 4th. Reptile
Not literal. But Hans-Peter is hairless, cold-blooded, curious and completely empathicless.
If I used reptiles to animalisations sometimes, then he would be. However, he's stoat with alopecia

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Day 3rd. Wings
This year I'll be alternating between landscape and portrait orientation.
Cari treats her pacient at the bird rescue center. With this stylization it is not visible, but this owl is blind in one eye.

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