I picked up an old cassette buried in debris and gave it a spin.

It played a sad melody of an infamous hero who battled through the uprisings & rebellions of the Voidlandz.

From the depths of my imagination & the beat of the casette came forth this 1/1 PFP for https://t.co/dEvRPBpwMb

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i fall in love with this desgin so i did a litlle doodle in my spare time i may finished it later
cg design belongs to

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I like both designs, but they really should've kept his belt+casette player (maybe even make it a CD or MP3 player) along with making his mouth, chest, and arms yellow instead of light green

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una cassette girl q hice en un magma

1 7

emergency colored sketch comms for @/firethewolf7 and @/pastorsprivatecasette on instagram !! thank you for commissioning me 💕

⚠️ clients still waiting please read this update message i originally provided on instagram, important updates (last image)

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In all seriousness rn, I want the Casette Girl Hat


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Il 1981 arrivano i di Hanna-Barbera. Popolo di gnomi blu che vive nel bosco in deliziose casette a forma di fungo, costretto a difendersi da Gargamella, mago irascibile e pasticcione e dal suo inseparabile gatto, il perfido Birba. In Italia a Canale 5 dall'82.

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"Who's ready to rock??"
I've been in love with and especially Casette Girl lately, so i tried to draw Kiyo in her Style x)

The Animation was actually quite quick, and fun to do 8D

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Also a bit more progress, I finally added the casette slot at the bottom among other smaller stuff

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20. Record and Casette for aliensoup on Art Fight 💉
21. Lawt for ❄️
22. Chamomile for 📺
23. Calypso for bavebot on Art Fight 🎵

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hice esta wea jeje
simp de Casette Girl

18 145

Did an aggie with muh friends and drew casette girl (a bit messy)

21 78

Heres a casette GF design i scrapped lol
The outfit was originally based on a doodle dondrr did for casette girl

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what c0lor scheme do you guys prefer (2nd one is based off of the fnf casette tapes cover art )

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Super mejoras ❤️😍😍❤️😍

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An OC i made literally today. casette tends to overheat, so i’d advise against sticking your naughty bits near her.

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