TÁ AQUI A LINDA E BI SEXY UAU CASEY GARDNER FINALMENTE!!🖤✨Atypical é uma das minhas séries favoritas e obviamente eu amo a Casey d+ 🥺

💕#ABPride2022 | 💕
🏷 · · · · · ·

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The Blue Jay by name! I know a lot of Jays are blue, but this is the actual bird called a Blue Jay.

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Casey Goodson Jr. 23 years old, 23 minutes of color. Stolen on December 4th, 2020 in Columbus, OH.

IG: ayy.bee

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Why was there no discussion on the police execution of Casey Goodson Jr. in Beatty's home district in Columbus, Ohio? How do you have a 5 minute segment and not mention the name Casey Goodson one time? Shame on both of you. Say his name!

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I have too many mixed emotions about this situation. I've gone through 3 drafts just to try & think of the right words.. I appreciate everyone who has spoken out and even those who are supporting silently. I encourage YOU to inform yourself and help find

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spread the word, use your voice, don't stay silent.

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tw // racism , police brutality , murder

This is outrageous.Casey Goodson, a 23 year old innocent man was killed by police. They shot him for holding a fucking sandwich. mcyttwt, if you can trend "#/dreamwapdance" then you can take time to trend this.

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we cant let this go on, use your voice. black lives will ALWAYS matter.
PLEASE, donate if you can. even if you can't, you can still share and spread the word.

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