Tsuchiya Koitsu,
Castello Nijo a Kyoto

via Arte in Giappone

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Le persone che salvano gli animali in difficoltà hanno un Amore infinito, se potessero trasformerebbero il loro Cuore in un castello che possa contenere più animali possibili, perché gli animali poverelli sono tanti, troppi per chi li salva, ma per molti mostri sono invisibili!😢

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A few months ago I was approached by to create the key art for the upcoming action-jammed FPS VR title Ark-Ade developed by Castello Inc. Such a blast to work on! Game link in comments! 🤘😎🤖

AD: Kristofer Hedberg

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Il castello errante di Howl, Diana Wynne Jones

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Il Castello..era silenzioso come sempre, mai K. aveva potuto scorgere lassù il minimo segno di vita..eppure gli occhi lo pretendevano, intolleranti di quella calma..più egli guardava, tanto meno distingueva, e tutto sembrava sprofondare nell'oscurità

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Se non scali la montagna non ti potrai mai godere il paesaggio.

Pablo Neruda

🎨 Paul Cezanne-La montagna di Sainte-Victoire e il castello nero,1904-1906

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Sophie, di giorno in giorno, pulisce il castello, dando inavvertitamente una “spolverata” anche all’animo di Howl, provato dalla guerra.

Buon compleanno ❤️



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'Deadly snow and ice paralyzed Europe in 1709. Anonymous 18th-century painting from the Castello Sforzesco, Milan' - National Geographic

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💀In unlighted chambers beyond time amidst the muffled, maddening beating of vile drums & the thin, monotonous flutes; slowly dance, the blind, voiceless, tenebrous, mindless Other Gods whose soul & messenger is the crawling chaos Nyarlathotep.🎨Art: Juan Castellon💀#HPLovecraft

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Fresco depicting January at Castello Buonconsiglio, Trento, Italy, c. 1405-1410.

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Gustav and his parents 🫶 (and castello)

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Continuing our religious trend from last week, here is the flag of Adenica and its namesake: the god of chivalry Adean (right), who is also son of Castellos and heir to the Regent Court... to some.

Adenica is a formable for adventurers in Escann

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Erase art Katy with gun 2013.🎨
The art of Erasing.
Erasing creates new art.

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Some "forgotten artworks" from my archives.
The blood trees from Borgo Non Morti, Castello Marina and a VIP room from Los Muertos, The Witch in the Chalice club.

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