Happy World Book Day! May all your stories have dragons, all your dragons have knights, and all your nights have stories...

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Happy World Book Day! May all your stories have dragons, all your dragons have knights, and all your nights have stories...

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The Dragon flew from city to city, from town to town,
and from village to village, breathing its poisonous smoke and scooping up the old and the slow in its enormous jaws.

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‘It is obvious!’ sneered Doom the Magician. ‘People in other lands have hidden away. But we will let the Dragon eat its fill, and then it will leave.’ The ministers, who were all afraid of Doom, nodded their heads. ‘Brilliant!’ said the King.

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A week later, the Dragon arrived. It flew from city to city, from town to town, and from village to village, breathing its poisonous smoke and scooping up the old and the slow in its enormous jaws. And the people wondered if any of them would be spared.

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"I'm just off to exercise," mumbled King Boris. "Saddle my horse, pack my bags, and look after things til Thursday..."

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“Very soon,” cried King Boris, “I will have every person in the kingdom in tiers!”

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“Fetch supplies across the moat!” commanded King Boris.
“That, sirrah, is not so easy since you burned the drawbridge…”

Castle Barmy ebook available on Amazon.

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At Castle London, in the south, King Boris summoned his ministers and magicians.
‘The Dragon is coming!’ groaned the King. ‘Whatever shall we do?’

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