my kitty grew a whole other layer of kitty💕

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Babey is still babey... my girl Soleil 2018 vs. 2019. I guess she’s grown a little???

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my cousin found him in some pipes and now he’s a big healthy boy!!!!

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Cloney and Little Man & Little Boy

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Not the exact time we brought her home, but in the same time frame. She's still a bitch (she's really not, she's like the most mellow cat ever but we talk about her like she's mean as shit lol). My Selena Delphina, such a daddy's girl. ❤️

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4 Month’s ago im was sick, And, Considrably Smaller, but now at my new home im Roumd Soft Voluptuous and Ornange

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So apparently is a thing right now which means AN EXCUSE TO POST IMPULSE’S BABY PICS!! Look at this handsome man! He’s 5 now!

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this is the day I took bean home vs this morning. The difference is about four pounds, some red in his fur, and a whole lot of love

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