Since Chief Engineer Cathays was under the spotlight for crew's-day-Tuesday she's also our focus for

Meet her and the rest of the crew in the demo for Stories from Sol: The Gun-Dog!

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It's and that means time for another crew's-day-Tuesday!

Mackenzie Cathays is the Gun-Dog's committed chief engineer. She's got a lot of time for repairs and maintenance, but not much for curious crew members!

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Chief Mackenzie Cathays.

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Working under Chief Cathays is the constantly terrified engineering cadet Dalton Grange. Permanently on edge, he's actually very good at what he does but too terrified to realise this.

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Que Cathaysa y Phoenix sean amigas de (y para) toda la vida significa que Shay nació teniendo una hermana mayor y creció teniendo dos.


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March 14th, The Bingo Hall, Cathays

The journey on the Road To Sacrifice begins!

▪️Fletcher vs Shota
▪️AFP in action
▪️DAN vs DAN
▪️Dereiss vs Bronco
▪️Shay FU vs Rufio
& more

Get tickets here;

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Need something fixed for free? Want to fix things? Repair Cafes, now at:

Cathays: First Saturday of the month
Splott: Second Saturday of the month
Rumney: Last Saturday of the month
Grangetown: Last Sunday of the month

Follow/contact Repair Cafe Wales on Facebook or Twitter x

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