Life is hard. Soften yours with a cat.
Art by Kathleen Wong

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There are hundreds of good reasons for having a cat, but all you need is one.
Art: Five more minutes by Dora Hathazi Mendes

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No Heaven will ever Heaven be unless my cats are there to welcome me.
Art: Waiting for you at Rainbow Bridge by Susan Alison

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The cat always leaves a mark on his friend
Art: Autumn Catnip by Arthur Fix

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They asked the female cat why her kittens were of different colors; she said she is embarrassed to say no
Art: Heartfelt bond by Ursula Brozovich

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What joy fills the mouse when the cat is out of the house.
Art: On the watch by Alfred Ng

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It is a bold mouse that makes her nest in the cat's ear.
Art: Red cat and grey mouse by Igor Ignatenko

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The cat has nine lives—three for playing, three for straying, and three for staying.
Art: Bee High by Debra Hall

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Cats are like a thing of beauty, strength, and grace that lies behind that whiskered face.
Art: Domestic Longhaired Cat by Steve Hamlin

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Cats don't catch the old birds.
Art: Walk the clothesline by Sylvia Pimental

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A cat in the grass is a tiger in the jungle.
Art: Sammy in grass by Doris Joa

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It is not from the love of God that the cat catches mice.
Art: After a work by Gustave Doré

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It takes a good many mice to kill a cat.
Art: Cat and Mouse by Missi Elmquist

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It's always blackest just before you step on the cat.
Art: Night Watchman by Sarah DeYong

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If you take even one of a cat's nine lives, it will haunt you forever.
Art: Cat nap by Dora Hathazi Mendes

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Books and cats and fair-haired little girls make the best furnishing for a room.

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I got rid of my husband. The cat was allergic.
Art: Ermilova Maria Vladimirovna

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Happy owner, happy cat. Indifferent owner, reclusive cat.
Art: Frick and Frack take a nap by Tracie Thompson

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