Best cover art featured every week on InvestComics/Trending Pop Culture. Here is Catwoman from cover artist Jenny Frison.
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'Let me check my chest, my breath right quick (ha)'

All her outfits were killer in the video so it was so hard choosing which to draw!

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Found my old tablet which obviously means it's time for me to draw myself as a cat girl again as promised.

....except AHH LOOK SHE M OVES

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I prefer the front view when hiking, so I make Mom wear the backpack 🎒 as a frontpack. Then it feels like a fun bouncy ride as I lean forward while she tries to hold the camera steady 📷.

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🐱Here's another shot from which I animated. Once I managed to grasp the formula of the show, animating became so much fun :) Thank you all for watching🙏

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