Hello fam from . How are you to day ? And you fam from ? And you fam of ? much love ❤️❤️❤️

30 70

It’s slowly getting there. Green gang RANGO GANG! Lots of 5* on this one. Love it!

10 106

Here's my Degenerate

Derivative I recently finished up for fun.



10 46

Done some fan art for the upcoming Inter Dimensional Lizards, LAGMI 🦎🦎🦎

44 197

Couldn't resist scooping another genesis! Scooped 3 eth in loomi & 2 more armory these past few days. Expanding my army, we are coming for bayc! Wheres my creepz fam at?


19 147

With the meteoric rise to ascension in the space, I’ve come to the conclusion that Earth Invasion is basically inevitable. Changing my pfp to support the Lizard Army!

🦎 🦎 🦎

2 55

Good read here on how is doing a full on Earth invasion! Have you joined yet?


0 4