It is time for another reference sheet, this time featuring Herra Eyetail - both with and without her cloak.

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Since page 11 of '#Cenkaudra' came out sooner the expected, so does the next reference sheet - featuring Pyrrha, the protagonist of the comic.

The next reference would be for wife/mate Herra Eyetail.

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It is about time to give some of my characters updated reference sheets, starting with the main characters of my Pure Light comic '#Cenkaudra'.

The next one will arrive next week in a 'fiery' fashion, alongside a new page maybe...

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From the characters I can reveal, Herra Eyetail is the newest one (design-wise), although she is an original Pure Light character, existing in the comic's world. She is the mother of Lhochan Eyetail, another PL character of mine, and she was introduced in my comic 'Cenkaudra'.

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