The latest from !

Wild Nature by CHAMArelli

1 of 3 • Now Available for Ξ 0.3

Art by

3 24

Cool new art! An NFT based on a South American psychoactive frog 🐸

Night Turns To Day by CHAMArelli

1 of 3 • Now Available for Ξ 0.3

🔥 Genesis edition 🔥

Art by

0 13

Painting courtesy of Fernando Chamarelli

4 22

Painting courtesy of Fernando Chamarelli

11 41

"The Creation" Acrylic on Canvas by Fernando Chamarelli - Represented at Thinkspace Projects

2 10

“O Lobo Que Lia Mentes” (2014) Acrylic on canvas by Fernando Chamarelli - Courtesy of Thinkspace Projects

6 13

trippy art by Fernando Chamarelli

476 664

Fernando Chamarelli: “Sumerian Astronaut”

12 10