Happy Birthday an den liebsten Chaoten den ich kenne 💚

du stinkst~

😈 🌱

6 23

Sentinel is DONE!

It’s not looking great for Sam after last issue’s events. With most of Romatar Prime destroyed, it looks like his help to save the universe is going to have to come from elsewhere. The question is; where? And how long does he have before Chaotex returns?

3 12

Feast your eyes on my take on Mike deltarune
Micheal Braun! Inventor of the Kromer Currency and Big Bad Boss of BIGCITY™️! And as always accompanied by his wife Lady Kromá, owner of the Braun film studio Kris and Susie wake up inside of Chaoter 3

6 25

Matchstick Chaoter 4 is out, wasn't expecting romance in this house were you??????

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13 33

Finally, 6/12 pages of this chaoters are up on ptrn

101 3283

„Gewalt gegen Helfer an Silvester:
Faeser für harte Bestrafung von „Chaoten““

7 44

Sentinel vs. Chaotex (2022)

I figured it was about time to illustrate an epic showdown between my main hero and his arch-nemesis. I absolutely love the crazy colors and energy effects that are ingrained in my comic’s fights, in case you can’t tell.

1 7

RAAAFTTTT!!! :3 Die Chaoten sind wieder aufn Floß unterwegs <3

🐙https://t.co/aI95937aSd 🌸

1 16

Im doing Golden wildfire as my first full route in Three Hopes and im on chaoter 8 playing Balthus and then i realized oh man i cant wait to recruit Constance my fucking wife

0 4

NO SPOILERS PLZ IM LITERALLY OM CHAOTEE 5 OF THE FIRST BOOK // i hate this bitch so much i want to dismember her bitchass and step on her corpse and use her as a rug and when she gets dirty i beat her till she turns into a pile of dust

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Gatomon/Hikari cosplay Kohaku >^”^<
Check out the new look!
Artist credit @/chaoteeth
Please check out their amazing works!

4 32

Hallo ihr Chaoten.
Stream ist heute wenn spontan
Ich merke gerade wie ich totalen Stress aufbaue, weil ich dieses und jenes noch tun müsste und und und
Da ich immer noch nicht stabil bin, kann ich das so gerade einfach noch nicht so gut.
Es wird trotzdem weiter gearbeitet.

0 2

I just read chapter 5 with and The chaoter was epic and intense.Tbh i find Soujuurou running scene is more epic and hype than aoko's epic beam firing scene XD Soujuurou is such a comedian and i love his and aoko's relationship and i shipped them.

1 15

Thank you so much for today chaoter , this is my thank you gratitude 😭😭🙏🙏🙏 https://t.co/YX1MfkSPfF

1 6

Squad chaos
Wattpad story
7 chaoters of Arc 1 ia already out there

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Let me introduce to you the "Chaotenstatic" 😊✨

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