I haven’t updated this in a hh-while. For those who I haven’t met yet, I’m Chris, I am an art teacher for students with neurodivergence’s and I am also a freelance illustrator with a focus on fantasy You can also find me streaming with my best pal .

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Hello there! I'm looking for some work!!
Abilities: and
I'm open to any projetc, or
If you know any please help me get to them!! 🤎


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Did some practice on translating 2d concepts on

I totally did not forget to fix the hand.

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This week I worked on I've always liked the version where he's more of a that chopped down trees. So here he is along side and

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🚂Art Train🚂
Thank you for the tag!

I'm a specializing in Love and glowy flames. Currently focused on improving my backgrounds, hope you enjoy!

🚂 https://t.co/ny1BnNUsLb

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New entry on my blog! With some Imma name her Devilyn → https://t.co/1HWyB1ENgG

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01/31, month long thread of The theme? All over the place my friend

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Hopping on the I'm going to be trying to take a step back from working in animation professionally and switching to more design and illustration based work. This year I'm working hard to add more to my portfolio on that end!
Website: https://t.co/Wqu6tE9klp

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Made some inspired I’m making one character per 5e class, starting with an Oath of Devotion Paladin, a College of Swords Bard, and a Circle of Spores Druid

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Figured I could share some stuff for Sometimes I just make little guys


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ah, that thing i do, but usually forget to post.

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In for a penny, in for a pound - I work in the animation industry and I teach Come and learn some cool stuff from me on my Domestika course!

IG: https://t.co/dqi08zlftV
Portfolio: https://t.co/b3IAYSdPtG

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I'm a comicartist and illustrator from Berlin. Mostly working on my own selfpublished YA comicseries 'Vom Anfang' but you can hit me up for any kind of color job, also love to do Inks! or pencils (both |D) - I also do characterdesign.

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Sometimes I do Somehow mostly dragons and cats, hoo hoo.

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