Merci à toustes d'être venu.e.s à la fête de l'amour à Charleroi! C'était à nouveau une belle expérience 🐱⚧ pour marquer le coup, j'ai voulu immortaliser quelques réactions de l'événement 😜

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La fête de l'amour à Charleroi c'est très bientôt !! Ça se passe du 25 au 28 août !

Petites précisions:
. Le jeudi 25 août à 17h, venez découvrir de nouvelles planches de BD de TransCat sur les effets d'un THM, à la 🥂

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La mascotte des Spirou de Charleroi en question (et après on ne les ennuies plus 😜)

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seguro sí agarra nivel, aunque no creo que vuelva a ser el de Charleroi

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Jupiler Pro League 🇧🇪
Standard de Liège vs Charleroi.

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I sketched a lot on that day in Charleroi, for such a hot day, when I didn't get out sketching until nearly lunch. That's Lucky Luke on the horse; I told my son he was named after him. Ended up sketching the Irish Times pub I used to go to when it first opened in the year 2000.

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Two years ago today...it was very, very hot in Europe, I was in Charleroi for the first time in years. Good to be back. "You've come from California...to Charleroi?!?" the hotel clerk said. Yep! But wow, it was super hot. Amazed I could draw anything.

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Two years ago today...I spent a lovely day sketching around Liege with Gerard and other sketching friends Fabien, Martine, Chris, Danni, Antoine, having lunch Chez Stockis, before getting the train to visit the old haunt of Charleroi

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Right Now 15th June 1815 10:45

Zeithen’s second message that Charleroi is under threat reaches Blucher. With the River Sambre about to be crossed by the French, Blucher has to make a decision on how to respond. Both delay or hastiness could be fatal

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TransCat: Projet Charleroi!
Des nouvelles! J'ai désormais tous les participants pour chaque lettre... En remerciement, voici un aperçu de la lettre L 🐱 ⚧

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One year ago today I was back in Charleroi, Belgium, and it was ridiculously hot. But good fun to be back in the town I spent most of a year from 1999-2000.

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Dans le cadre de la Fête internationale de la Mouette, venez participer au Concours du plus beau Cri de Mouette, le samedi 20 octobre à 20h30, Place de la Digue à Charleroi.
Inscriptions par ici ➡️ concoursmouette.com

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