wanted to draw swap!charley in an outfit uhh og art by hometownrockstar on tumblr

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this totally has no future significance but which outfit do you prefer for him. 1 or 2 (poll in thread)

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my drawing tablet's cord is on its last limbs . swap charley in batdr bendy's outfit for fun (he is thinkinh about rotating cheese in his mind)

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I’ll start, I’m otherhuman/flippy, I’m a third-gen Mexican American who’s learning Spanish lol. I currently like bendy, fnf, and slendytubbies! I have a swap au at

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i made a
take for
i called it the sugarcoated au and i had fun with these

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in celebration of batdr here is some art i made for a version of perfect "bendy" (or charley in this case) in my swap au
can't wait to see the dude when i get out of school

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the third time i've remade their reference sheet. look at them
design notes in thread:
<-use this tag for fanart

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