Coming on quite well, I think.
I’m trying a proper mix of watercolour and coloured pencils and I think it’s working

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I’ll tell you a little about this journey called through my
My first pics are about my beloved Charlotte ♥️
How I love everything in her, probably my drawings will tell you better

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Here’s all the stages of my sketch for those who are interested in the process

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I’ve really enjoyed drawing this new portrait of I love this scene : when she has been impersonating Sidney, and then she turns around and he’s there! Her face says it all! Hopefully I’ve captured that

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Been negotiating hair this morning, filling in the area over her right shoulder, & her crown. But I need a change so I’m doing her other eye next! I think she needs to see the full force of Sidney’s displeasure 😂#Sanditon

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And because it isn’t right to have one without the other, as they are most definitely meant to be together, here’s both my sketches side by side

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While I wait impatiently for the last episode of the wonderful I managed to finish my sketch. Here’s a slightly unsure in her gorgeous bonnet, wondering what to make of a certain

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