Charmander, charmeleon, and charizard!

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Oct 25, 2014. By: Ravaari
[11 Yeahs!] [1 reply] (US)
"I think the Professor is mad that I broke the 1st rule, but I just HAD to make my shiny Charmander, Charcoal."

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004 - Charmander
Type - Fire

Charmander, the Lizard Pokémon. Charmander’s health can be gauged by the fire on the tip of its tail, which burns intensely when it’s in good health.

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This is too hard for me because I have a different favourite at every evolutionary stage 😭 I guess I would have to pick Charmander, Chikorita and Oshawott so I could get all my fave final evos

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The starters should be Charmander, Feraligatr and Treecko, the DRACONIC ones.

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Vermilion Tail, the second "alternate" Paradox Form!
While closely resembling Charmander, this pokemon seems closer to a fairy than to a dragon 🦎
It is said to come from an alternate timeline where mysterious, angelic precursors live alongside humanity 🧚‍♀️

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Oh hey, I haven’t posted these yet! A few months old, and I’ve also since done this for Charmander, Squirtle, and their respective evolutions. Remains to be seen if I’ll actually manage to do this for every single entry in the Pokédex before the end of time.

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Shiny Charmander, Charmeleon, and Charizard

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Bueno después de un poco de queja por la mierda del sistema en el que vivimos un boceto de un Charmander, que me he aficionado a dibujar a Pokémon gracias a mis alumnos XD

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day 9, a friend made me think of pokemon, so i tried to make something based on charmander, but still make it my own... let's just say.. it's... different lol xD

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Hace dos años empecé a dibujar Pokemon como si fuesen robots. Hoy me apetece compartirlo por aquí.

El primero fue Charmander, con cola lanzallamas

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It’s time again! Today is Charmander, and I really like the way this guy turned out.

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7. Favorite Starter
Besides the obvious Charmander, I have a hard time choosing a favorite from these boyos.

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Faltan ya 7 días para Pokémon Scarlet!!!

Ahora es turno de Charmander, en Pokémon rojo y rojo fuego siempre fue mi favorito aunque tuviera desventaja.

Aun me faltan mas por dibujar pero estoy seguro que para antes del estreno haber dibujado todos mis iniciales.

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Havent finished these yet but heres some sketches :)) slice of appletun pie and im thinking about making a lil illustration of an african fat tailed charmander, blue eared squirtle, and i havent decided what kind of bulbasaur- maybe pacman :)

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Charmander, Charmeleon, Charizard

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Charmander, Charmeleon, Charizard.

Official pokemon art, edited by me.

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Meu pequeno tá fazendo 5 anos hoje, essa semana ele pediu pra ver um desenho do charmander, então tá aqui ele com o charmander dele. E pode avisar que o próximo campeão vai ter um charizard. 🔥

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Then there's Mr. Charmander, and Mr. Charizard. Though their names are just Derek and Spike

(Figure out which one's Derek and which one's Spike >:3)

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