Попросил сделать промпт для на свое усмотрение главное что бы красиво, четвёртый вариант понравился

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Aire No.1 Abril
Fanzine asistido con Ai
Este mes: Chat GPT 4 Pompts

SciFi Ai Futuro Misterio Espacios Liminales Conspiración Terror

Gracias por compartirlo


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The huge news and these models are out for the world..

Attached pic is from illustrate model

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The new tg bot is amazing...
1 - 4 outputs per prompt
2 - u can choose and reroll it
3 - u can choose and upscale or upscale and fix face
4 - high resolution download

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Generate and images using https://t.co/Y2UJQ9LlMz

Some of our users are generating cool images. 😀

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Our third attempt in this evolving series. We're using and to create a human and ai hybrid artistic style. Should we call it, Tacocalyptic?

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🌌💀✨ I combined ChatGPT4 and MidjourneyV5 to create "Celestial Bone Blossoms" for , a captivating album of ethereal angels adorned with bones and flowers, exploring the cosmos! Dive into their surreal universe at : https://t.co/AzE1ReBEjS 🌟🌸🚀


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The webui v0.3 is released for its a dope one..

The based team and dynamic community is sending this to 10 million soon

A next 1 billion token is on cardz.

Dont miss ur entry and u are super early..

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