A hero of my childhood (and beyond) what can I say except

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Always loved seeing this moment in the end credits of Captain Scarlet https://t.co/yTBAMlTeQI

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for the brilliance of your imagined worlds. As a child I always wanted to pilot Stingray or Thunderbird 2, be indestructible like Captain Scarlet and not have my organs harvested by UFO aliens. Your imagination spurred mine and I'm forever grateful.

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Raising a glass to the man who filled our childhoods with action, excitement, awe and wonder!

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I still watch Thunderbirds, Stingray, Captain Scarlet etc and it still blows my mind that they are 50+ years old. Way way ahead of its time. A genius

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Raising a glass to Gerry Anderson! So many childhood (and adulthood) memories of his great TV shows (even Torchy!). Thanks Gerry.

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