God telling Hito he is no longer an angel.
Hito's fallen arc.
I can't believe I drew this..

1 2

you can't really see unless you click for full body ^^;
I was practicing shading here. also this is still male💖#cherubimhito

0 0

holy fuck cherrim just became one of my fav pokemon its based off of cherubim how did i never notice that.. look at the shapes of the leaves its the same

0 5

👿悪魔でもそこまでしないぞ!頑張れ天使 目を開けるんだ!薬屋の目薬を全部ブレンドしてコスパのいい霧吹きに詰めてきたぞ!!


32 158

Would y'all believe me if I told y'all that Cherubimon (Vice) is one of my favorite Digimon? Guess I'm a sucker for the fallen angel aesthetic...

3 26

Ok so like, a Crocodile/Snake looking thing.
Or biblical "acurate" Angels like a Cherubim

0 2

Judge me for my 4 funney friends
Honorable mention to Wendimon and Cherubimon (Saint) https://t.co/gBf91ne23u

0 1

Another IMPERIUM MALEDICTUM LAMPLIGHTER today, but this one is one of those creepy little cherubim!

21 137

She’s quite an odd one
Hera once gaining her cherubim status grew tired of working with humanity and took in interest into heavens ..”neighbors “

1 12

Art I did for @/Cherubimi_ for an art game :)

11 61

A thrones, a seraphim and a cherubim, idk

8 116

Cherubim Holy Knight

1 15


KP  ありさん
HO1 なつのさん/Jacob E Dransfield
HO2 ほなみさん/Ellis R Bertrand
HO3 西/Cherubim E Allston
HO4 ノテネコさん/Callum E Allston



4 14


KP  ありさん
HO1 なつのさん/Jacob E Dransfield
HO2 ほなみさん/Ellis R Bertrand
HO3 西/Cherubim E Allston
HO4 ノテネコさん/Callum E Allston


3 5


KP  ありさん
HO1 なつのさん/Jacob E Dransfield
HO2 ほなみさん/Ellis R Bertrand
HO3 西/Cherubim E Allston
HO4 ノテネコさん/Callum E Allston

END.A シナリオクリア!

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