hey ned wanna tattoo the best fictional cherubim ever on me

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· Kokomi’s trailer shows a Humpback whale swimming above her, and her Ult also has a whale that appears briefly
· Both of these are Christian imagery.
· The narwhals represent Cherubim angels and the humpbacks Seraphim angels.

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Good afternoon everyone, but especially bimbois 😇💕

New cherubimboi badge coming to the shop and MCM next week!!!

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✨ Digitober Day
Virus ⚠️
Cherubimon (Vice) 👿

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Uhm hereee, she’s a Cherubim, her name is Asphodel

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aka The Duality of 'Mon 😅
(Lopmon has two defined evolution lines and I love them both)

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Hera angel of the first sphere angel Cherubim

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Kangarumon, Elecmon (Violet), Cherubimon (Vice), and Flamon!

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Ballo, my Cherubimon character~

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“In the first circles, they,
whom thou beheld’st
Are and Cherubim.
Thus swift
Follow their hoops,
in likeness to the point,
Near as they can, approaching;
and they can
The more, the loftier their vision.”
~ Beatrice to Dante
Dante Alighieri’s Divine Comedy

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Character Design Trade with a wonderful art friend.
I followed her design aesthetic and made a little cherubim angel bunny friend.

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I ain’t that great at art but I’m sure you can kinda tell what you’re seeing here lmao

He’s based off biblically accurate angels, the Cherubim one exactly

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here’s your full evolution line

angelswamp > cherubimmarsh > seraphimbog https://t.co/dI9MXZf6j0

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