I felt this drawing eternal. I'm grateful for having participated and drawn the
"During ine of the concerts, between sweat and fun, there was a kiss, it wasn't a friend kiss, but somethin' else was already born. They stole the show"
[03.01] free topic

7 93

Sometimes you just gotta kiss the hell out your lover to shut him up, yeah, he's gonna get embarrassed but you weren't gonna hold back anymore. Happy new years, everybody

1 26

My computer turned off and i had finished it before 4 a.m. ... Stupid wind🙃
The truth is I'm bad at drawing kissin' momentos, but.. here it is, moment after they given a somewhat "experiment" kiss.
[30.12] Kiss

3 85

Thanks to to show me this... a week of ChesGlam AAAAAH cute!🥺💕
I'll try to comply with the drawings although a little slow..
Glam looks excited than ill ... kill me plz...
PD: Pinche coloreado del culo xd

7 83