Today because my mood is not so good so I'm temporary cancel today's stream, I'm really sorry. I will still chatting on discord so rest assured. If my mood gets better I'll stream again tomorrow.

3 25

Happy Mafumafu's birthday! If you don't know who he is watching my video could be a good start ♡ ~('▽^人)
Here's the new schedule, I'll try to finish all the requests left on my birthday, please watch over me ( ; ω ; ) Good night everyone~

2 19

Sorry for delay, here's the schedule for this week! Let's have a great week together 🤍✨

5 22

Schedule for this week that I forgot to post... Please watch over me!

4 10

Konnichiem~ Here comes new schedule for new week! Please watch over me ԅ(^q^ԅ)

5 11

Konnichiem ԅ(^q^ԅ) Here's the new schedule for this week, Chiem is looking forward to see you 🤍✨

6 13

Ah yes we already have a Chiem moment after the comeback: Chiem slept and forgot to stream.
Sorry my chiemps OTL I'll try my best not to do it again and post the stream schedule on Monday like usual.

3 7

Tomorrow I will continue to read Gekkou! Join to listen to my horrible reading at

1 12


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