Trying to help the 14yo in Europe with the field marks of Willow Warbler vs Common Chiffchaff and I just wanna die.

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A favourite few weeks now along the Devils burn, Newcastle Nuns moor, as April turns into May. First Orange tip seen and Chiffchaffs singing all around😀 Have a great long weekend all 👍

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Early morning look on the Newcastle moors for one of the true harbingers of Spring, the Wheatear, (w/colour sketch) just a few days too early I think, no Chiffchaff in either, a lone Fieldfare & few Redwing still about ( sure the Redwing were singing!)? Have a good night all 👍

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Chiffchaff is increasing, helped by having a broader thermal niche and getting one over on WW by barely bothering to migrate in many places

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Learn more about the chiffchaff in the uplifting memoir from about the healing power of the natural world - out now!

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Sometimes bird ID is tricky even for the experts. Willow warblers and chiffchaffs look alike but sound different, whilst blackcaps and garden warblers look different but sound alike - one pair is hard to tell apart by sight, whilst the other is hard to tell apart by sound!

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Morning birders. Today's is the onomatopoeiacally-named Chiffchaff. This one's named Callas, after my favourite warbler. xx

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First Chiffchaff for me this year, Nun‘s moor Newcastle, a day later than last year, on the day’s walk. The familiar jaunty call lifting the worry. Hope all well - try and get out amongst nature, it can really help, take care

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Siberian Chiffchaff, Start Pt Devon 31st Oct 19, super little bird, strikingly pale against dark brambles

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Was pleased to find a nice Yellow browed Warbler in our village yesterday morning before work. Not calling, but showing well in willows with 4 or 5 Chiffchaffs.

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First Chiffchaff for me this year, Nuns moor Newcastle, same spot, same day as last year, remembering our brother Mick, 14/02/60 - 24/03/18, who loved the moors

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