Chiharu Shiota participe à l’édition « May to Day » de la Gwangju Biennale (Corée du Sud) jusqu’au 29 novembre 2020.

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We are starting in week two with our Visit us until June 26th offline at the gallery or take a closer look at the works online.

KÖNIG GALERIE is presenting a carefully curated selection of works by the gallery’s artists such as

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『塩田千春展 魂がふるえる』の内覧会に森美術館へ。エントランスにはGINZA SIXの展示の小さい版の船が。写真2枚目のガラス窓の集合体のような作品はたぶん「金沢アートプラットホーム」(2008年)に見たもの。他に「Domani」で見たものとか、意外に見ているなぁと。#chiharushiota

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'Me Somewhere Else', latest exhibition with Blain|Southern, is one of 's best art exhibitions to hunt out this week. See it now until 19 January 2019!

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'Between the Lines' first solo show in Netherlands at Het Noordbrabants Museu…

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