“It’s quite hot today, isn’t it comrade?”

Happy belated birthday tagliatelle-man🥵

(A slightly more accurate version bcs I have a bad case of attention deficit apparently🤡)

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“It’s quite hot today, isn’t it comrade?”

Happy belated birthday tortilla-man😳

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(7/20) HBD Childe! 🐳💰🐋 His 2nd celebration since the game’s release! ✌🏻

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властелин камня комфортит сонного дитешку лиса на его день рождения. 🐋🐉
быстрый скетч для расслабления :з

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My birthday piece for the Whale Man who ruined my pity and cocked blocked me from Zhongli 🐳

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Late but happy birthday Ajax! Teucer was inspired after watching you cook 👀

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Happy Birthday to Childe and my Genshin OC Ilyasviel

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Hey girly ;)
For all my Tartaglia's mains and enjoyers in his BD

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