The final prompt is "sweater weather". There's no such thing in Hawaii. 😅 I look forward to the rare cold front that brings with it rain, wind and chills but otherwise, this is what I resort to.

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I rarely nap since I won't be able to sleep at night. But once in a while, can't help but doze off. 😴 Sleep allows your body to recharge so get enough of it! How long do you nap? Can you sleep at night afterwards?

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week 2, “comfort food.” Currently counting down the weeks and months until and I can cook together again ❤️

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When you realize that someone else got a bigger (and better) boba drink than you. 😅 Today's prompt is comfort food. That cold refreshing sip just washes away all my stress instantly. What's your fave boba drink?

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My favorite pastime is watching dramas, especially on chilly rainy days because I can wrap myself up in my comforter. 😅 What are your favorite dramas? My favorite is Crash Landing On You.

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