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Jjk! Warning spoiler manga

Kebayang ga sih jadi uraume bete, 1000+ tahun pengalaman biasanya ngadepin DE yg ga neko2 tbtb ketemu hakari sama pachinkonya 😭😭😭

Uraume: "sip udh pecah—"
Hakari: "ROLL IT AGAIN BABY 🤪🤪🤪"

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Jjk! Warning spoiler

sender baru tau kalau trnyata yuji suka main ke pachinko dan sudah dikonfirmasi gege juga. Trnyata kecil2 doyan ngeslot ni anak 😭

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4. Gothic Cathedral by a River, Karl Friedrich Schinkel (1813)

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I learned a lot about Pachinko while translating this.

Added a TL note for others like myself that aren't familiar with Pachinko.


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First Job New Life 1-2 (Yoko Nemu)

Le premier job de Tama, graphiste sortant de la fac, un peu coincée et mal à l'aise en entretien dans une boîte de design spécialisée dans le pachinko !

Je lis enfin ce titre sorti en 2020... Et c'est trop chouette !!! C'est frais et dynamique

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42) Peglin by Red Nexus Games


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Of course this artwork and the whole project are a love letter to German Romanticism and a lot of painters that inspire me (here: K.F. Schinkel, C.D. Friedrich, E. Stiegel and J.C. Dahl):

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🦝🧁🎨 ¡Dibujos y mapaches para todos! ¿Ya nos siguen en instagram y tiktok? ¡¡¡Gracias!!!

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🦝🧁🎨 ¡Dibujos y mapaches para todos! ¿Ya nos siguen en instagram y tiktok? ¡¡¡Gracias!!!

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"Kindness perceived as weakness gets cast out the door
Tendencies to vacillate creates chinks in your armour
Resolutely walk the tight rope ~ lest your knees hit the floor"



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Are you looking to own a horse?...or the race track.
you want to play a game?...or own the gaming platform.
you want something you didn't even think was possible?
Your full analysis is most welcome.Let me know if you find some chinks.....you won't.🙏
Do I need to tag these???

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13. März 1781: Karl Friedrich Schinkel, preußischer Architekt, Stadtplaner, Maler, Grafiker und Bühnenbildner, Gründer der Schinkelschule, kommt zur Welt.

Guten Morgen alle zusammen.

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I love it when I think i found some obscure arcade game and it turns out to be a pachinko game.

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