《Day 12: Portal》

The thayenda pilot who was shot goes through a black hole ⚫❇

El piloto thayenda abatido atraviesa un agujero negro ⚫❇

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This Inktober was dedicated to a pear being cool 🍐 // Este Inktober estaba dedicado a una pera siendo la pera 🍐

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Inktober dedicated to the avocado, whose seed is represented by a cute guinea pig 🥑 // Inktober dedicado al aguacate, cuya semilla está representada por una simpática cobaya 🥑

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This Inktober was dedicated to the coconut, in this case, in a tribal version 🌴 // Este Inktober estaba dedicado al coco, en este caso, en una versión tribal 🌴

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