Iniopera is like holocephalans in some ways, e.g. with a jaw fused to the skull Using living chondrichthyans as a comparison we reconstructed the musculature in Iniopera: like living holos it seems to have had a large preorbital origin of the mandibular adductor.6/13

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I regret not having really MADE any Meg art yet. AAAA but... I guess I just. Tbh dove right into other chondrichthyans. Ctenacanths. Eugeneodonts. A lot of Mesozoic sharks. Pictured are Paleozoic and Mesozoic chondrichthyans that I love a lot. Interests just differ

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Chondrichthyans are just paramount to my paleoart career heh

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Today is A day to learn & raise awareness of the importance of sharks to ocean ecosystems. Cartilaginous fishes, also known as chondrichthyans, include sharks, rays and chimaeras a thread🧵

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I officially have a PhD! 🎓🎉 I worked in evo-devo of shark teeth and evolution of vertebral mineralisation in cartilaginous fishes!🦈Still fond of chondrichthyans 😁

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Our new preprint (NOT YET PEER-REVIEWED) up on bioRxiv. We digitally dissect Callorhinchus + Scyliorhinus, and discuss chondrichthyan cranial muscle evolution. Feat. lots of pretty pictures of skinless fish heads. All and any feedback very welcome.

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Ever given much thought to the current status of chondrichthyans and how they're managed? This paper by , , et al. explores these ideas!

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The actual reason behind the fossil record.

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Due to a free slot, I will be presenting another presentation at 14:15 in the Lucena auditorium.

“A global perspective on the trophic geography of and the Chondrichthyan Stable Isotope Data Project and how we can all collaborate further

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Team from , et al. presents beautiful data for Gladbachus, enigmatic 385 Myr-old susepnsion-feeding chondrichthyan w/ important phylogenetic implications

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