A single magical stream with XanBabe produced both of these gems. I REGRET NOTHING.
To avoid any regret and FOMO, go follow Xan at https://t.co/f9ME5b47YT because it's glorious over there and I want you to be happy. GO. GO NOW.

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May your Tuesday bring many nice things, like chocolate buttons, or a dog looking at you x

7 30

It’s me and me alone who colors my day. My feelings. My attitude. Everyone has battles bruises and scars. And everyone has choices to make . I choose happiness. I choose to live today happy! My smile is a little triumph

1 7

A1: Hey it's Barbara in Friendswood, TX.

My mantra is ... love that it's on the shirt I was wearing in the picture that my illustrator used to draw me for our new picture book,

2 16