In today's episode of Choose to Rise, Kim shares her 5 habits that have helped her start her day with positive vibes.

✨Your vibes speak louder than your words, so how can you show up today in a positive way?

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Your happiness depends much more on your attitude than it does on objective, external circumstances. Kim discusses this and more today on

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Happy people realize happiness is a choice. But simply knowing that happiness is a choice is not enough. How then might each of us begin to experience this joy?

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Monday's was all about living free from Listen to the episode now and join Kim Meyer for today's live episode shortly!

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Did you watch Wednesday's If not, you can listen now, then stay tuned for today's live episode!

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Friday's was all about and how to show it even if you're not feeling it. Catch up on the episode now and stay locked here for today's live episode with Kim Meyer!

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Friday's was all about You can watch the video now on our Facebook page and stay tuned for today's live episode with Kim Meyer!

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