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During ⚡️🐱 #RaichuWeek 🐱⚡️ I will be featuring my favourite illustrations, this is from @chopoten 🎨🌍 Submit your art for a feature trainers!
#Raichu #Pokémon #pokemoncenterlondon #niantic #chopoten #pokemongo #raichu⚡ #Raichufacts #Raichuart #Ra… https://t.co/jbVipH9MyU
During ⚡️🐱 #PikachuWeeks 🐱⚡️ I will be featuring my favourite illustrations, this is from @chopoten 🎨🌍 Submit your art for a feature trainers!
#Pikachu #Pokémon #pokemoncenterlondon #niantic #chopoten #pokemongo #pikachu⚡ #Pikachufacts #Pikachua… https://t.co/pHuMYledJT
During 🔥 #CharizardWeek 🔥 I will be featuring my favourite illustrations, this is from @chopoten 🎨🌍 an artist from Yogyakarta, Indonesia! Submit your art for a feature trainers!
#charizard #Pokémon #niantic #inktober #chopoten #noblecharizard #po… https://t.co/k0Oe9jmFX1