These two amazing pieces were done by two talented artists who drew me just for fun?? The first one was done by , and the second one was from lessthan.33 (tiktok). I love the hair and wings in both of these jesus christ...

March 2023

3 18

I mean...who else is gonna be a Sacred Stones mythic? Jesus Christ...

0 8

Saw a review for Fire Emblem Engage talking about how characters are tropey and have a consistent shtick and lack the depth of Three Houses characters. My brother in Christ... they all start out like that. Things don't get more nuanced until the 2nd or 3rd support convo usually.

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my dear sister in christ...
Have a wonderful day my dear! enjoy your time~🧡🦁🌋

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me waiting for the miracle called to buy my piece and be able to receive the email as a Christmas present before the end of the year 👀👇🏼

Merry Christ... And

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Exen when he's faced with the undying love of Christ... He was saved that night... 🙏🙏

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It's actually kind of funny how managed to craft a more believable romance and relationship in just a few panels than most AAA / mainstream things do with entire stories worth of time.

Also Helen got hot AF in the last 10 years, Jesus Christ...

12 18

MERRY CHRIST...MASがはいらないよーー!?😱😧😯😑🤣


4 46

"Jesus christ..."

Get it
Cus shes jojo and jojo says good grief, but she says jesust christ because religion lmaooooooo

2 8

jesus christ.......

someone please finish it for me...

i'm about to faint(hopefully he catches me and i'll die permanently)

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I'm not sure what I expected from reviveboo considering hes been dead and buried for like 10 months but JESUS CHRIST....

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Forgive me Erina, for I have hastily drawn this cursed art after someone put a goatee on your face in the Phase Connect Discord server, giving me the idea of you as Jesus Christ...

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NETEASE WTF IS THIS SHIT... i am gonna like throw up and like die in the corner jesus christ...

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Sorry it took me a while. Name 4 fictional characters you’re obsessed with and tag give mutuals to do the same!

Christ...Im such a monster fucker
I tag whoever is watching, go ahead and tag your characters if you want

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"....jesus more precise next time!"


"anyway, as usual..? Sinners fall and we have a lot of work."

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His little smile and not at the end like it's nothing, Jesus Christ...

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