The Christmas Bird Count begins in one month! Get little ready for their own local counts with BIRD COUNT―an adorable introduction to

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It's the last weekend of the 's Whether you're participating in a local count or doing some backyard Ava doesn't want you to miss your chance to participate in this important project!

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While there won't be an official hosted at this year, our friends have put together the tools you need to go out with your household bubble!

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Christmas Day may have passed, but there's still plenty of time to get involved in your local Ava has all the tips you need to start a adventure in your own backyard!

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Ready for the Ava has the best tips for identifying the fascinating birds you can spot in your own backyard! Great for aspiring and lovers of wintertime activities!

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It's almost Bird Count Day! Read this October, then join the to spot a great horned owl or red-tailed hawk just like Ava! Find out more about this new on the blog!

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