Breaking: I am extremely creaky today.
That is all.

1 19

It's been a tough week, & friends. RA's going wild in my knuckles & wrists, & I've been very fatigued. My rheumy restarted me on an old RA med in response. 🤞 So, progress has been slow on my CC painting this week, but here's a half-done peek:

3 20

Time to gussy-up for the American holiday weekend, ! Here's wishing everyone, everywhere, a safe, healthy, joyful time ahead.

2 25

My morning gift: The soft coo coo cooo of a dove wafting down the chimney flue into my ears. It's such a calm, gentle sound, a little haunting, always beautiful.

0 7

I liked the color so much I had to find a way to use it again. So I doodled last night. Happy Saturday!

1 17

Hey, , it's so here's a hippo-hover for your viewing pleasure! It's best not to ask why, or how, but simply to enjoy the view! (Accidentally deleted the previous post--oops!)

8 28

Doodling Saturday doggos.😁 Wishing everyone an enthusiastically delightful day!

3 19

Doodling kangaroos.
What are YOU doing this evening?

2 12

Feeling a little twinkle-toed today, ! Wishing you all a restful, joyful, healthy weekend.

3 31

Loving the current rain but looking forward to going outdoors for wanders during some fresh, gently warm spring days. Happy weekend, all. Stay safe and stay well!

6 31

It's Wednesday! Obviously, that means it's time to share some cute with the world!

8 17

Had fun with a new digital ink pen (and style) this week, . I couldn't choose just one image! Loved too! Wishing everyone a safe, healthy, lovely weekend.

4 31

Here's a quick-sketch coloring-book cat using a bit of for this week's Wishing everyone a safe and joyous weekend!

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