If you’re looking for a graphic novel that shows the power of the medium, read “The Art of Charlie Chan Hock Chye” by Sonny Liew.

Part political critique, part search for meaning in art, it’s one of the most virtuoso comic books published in the last decade.

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Comics Worldwide: Singapore. Sonny Liew is best known for The Art of Charlie Chan Hock Chye, the first graphic novel to win the Singapore Literature Prize. His other titles include Shadow Hero, Dr. Fate, Malinky Robot, Eternity Girl.

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The Art of Charlie Chan Hock Chye by Sonny Liew is an ambitious fictional biography of a comics artist from Singapore, which tracks the history of comics alongside the political history of the county. Review: https://t.co/8wPnPEeKtJ

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Os ganhadores do Prêmio Grampo 2019 de Grandes HQs:
1º colocado (ouro): Ayako - Osamu Tezuka.
2º colocado (prata): A Arte de Charlie Chan Hock Chye - Sonny Liew.
3º colocado (bronze): Eles Estão Por Aí - Bianca Pinheiro e Greg Stella.

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Imagen de Charlie Chan Hock Chye de en sus cincuenta años y a los setenta. ¡Pronto para todos los lectores de esta obra una pieza de coleccionista!

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Retour sur Charlie Chan Hock Chye, formidable biographie imaginaire signée Sonny Liew et nommée en Sélection Officielle à Angoulême 2018

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Il volume sarà disponibile in libreria e fumetteria dal 7 dicembre.

BAO Publishing è orgogliosa di annunciare l’uscita di L’arte di Charlie Chan Hock Chye di Sonny Liew.

Sonny Liew racconta la storia della Malesia e di Singapore attraverso quasi tutto … https://t.co/Wr8WS0sPft

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