Here is a commission of Doctor Strange combined with Iron Man from an issue of What If?

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This weekend I'll be at the Cincinnati Comic Expo with new prints and exclusive comics, and drawing commissions! Come see me to discuss options to get a custom piece for your collection! Here's just such a recent commission!

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Here's another childhood crush for all the cool 90s kids.

April O'Neil will be available in print form at the in a couple weeks 🐢🍕

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Here's the character that awoke an entire generation of furries back in the 90s.

Lola Bunny will be available in print form at the next month 🐰

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If you already saw my Justice League Fire by I'm sorry but you're missing out unless you get to see it in person!

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HUGE highlight of was a nice lady from 's booth buying one of my prints for him! 😁

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