Sometimes if feels that losing your parents in accident is the most reliable way to get superpowers. But Leukoya's case still got a bit special - she literally soaked up the superpower her mother had in The Accident. Talk about shitty heritage...

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Funny thing: we often call She "Shishka" (Spruce Cone) on russian and it also an euphemism for, uh, dick.
She also happens to be a complete dick. How appropriate.

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Remember Isaara? Not anymore! Because we redesigned her. And yup, her new hair is inspired by XXXTentacion.

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Say hi to Isaara, indian ex-MMA fighter who was unlucky enough to find out her super-strength right in a middle of a fight and kill a person, thus ending in prison. Sucks having an ability you don't know how to activate properly!

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